Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Twins are 2 months

After a long journey of infertility you can read about at http://anjcoakley.blogspot.com/ I was blessed with two beautiful babies who were born 2 months premature. This blog is to document their growth through the years and our life as parents of twins.

Our baby girl "M" was born 3lb 8oz and baby boy "J" was born 4lb 9oz. They were in NICU for 4 weeks which you can read about on my infertility blog. At the two month apt M weighs 7lb 11oz and J weighs 8lb 10oz, they are getting big and both are very healthy. Below are some photos of their two months:

We are "TWO" months old!

my poor princess had her shots

prince resting after his shots

Princess M

Stud J


Cori said...

They are just waaaay too cute! I love the stickers for the 2 month pictures.

Bec said...

Sooo adorable!